Wednesday, February 6, 2008

United Way Poster - Rejected Idea 01

Sometimes the concept is not quite right.  Just because it was rejected doesn't mean we didn't hang it up.  It was very effective.  Campaign made over a thousand dollars, without spending a dime.  What Would Jesus Do?
If you haven't seen "The Big Lebowski" yet, you are missing out on one of the best bowling movies ever.   Cohen brothers rule.

Self Portrait Series - Tron Guy

Created for email showing how to access email from a web browser.
The tron guy is a guy named Jay Maynard.  Check out his mind blowing site: 

Self Portrait Series - Fonz

Created for a lesson on exporting contacts out of First Class.
"Fonz says Aaaa..."

Self Portrait Series - Robin

Created for some new features of Entourage.  
"Holy Helpful Tip Batman"

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Monster Parade - Timesheet Reminder

Created for an email to remind staff to keep there timesheets up-to-date.  Drawing created in Maya, a 3D animation program.  Monster was inspired by a character created by Illustrator/Designer Tyler Stout.

Beer Drinking Series - Smokey the Bear

Created for email recruiting people for an Art Mentoring program.  Beer and Cartoon Icons are funny.

Lounge Sessions - Poster Series

Series of posters inviting staff to learn more about an application server that the studio created for accessing Filemaker while working remotely and platform access to a PC.  We are almost strictly a Mac based design firm.

United Way Poster - Squirrel Drinking Beer

A poster that I designed for the company's yearly United Way Fundraising Campaign.  Decided to have an Oktoberfest Party to raise money.  What says party like a huge squirrel and a carousel horse hanging out enjoying a beer and the sunset.  Photograph was taken by Alex Williams.  You can imagine the odd looks I got walking around the pier in that outfit.  

Class Photo - Human Resources Main Page

Needed a fun way to stylize main web page for our HR team.  Note cute girl in the front looks an aweful lot like the owner of the design firm - Michael Jager.  

Animation - Britney Doll Wars

A quick stop motion video made for a team website.
Experimental ideas to encourage team spirit.  This video compared the articulation of two different Britney Spears dolls.  A dance off that was easily won by the japanese doll maker Volks.

Check out their website

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Beer Drinking Series - Barney

Follow up email on getting involved in the community

Beer Drinking Series - Carebear

Created for an invitation to join a local mentoring group

Self Portrait Series - Disney Guy

Created for an email announcing a tour coming through the studio.

Self Portrait Series - Flexible Asian

Created for an email explaining that I was flexible to change times of training to suit someone's schedule.

Self Portrait Series - Doublemint Twins

Created for an invitation to double training sessions.  This one was a little creepy.  FiancĂ©e asked me not to photoshop head on women again.  Fair enough.

Self Portrait Series - Gavin McCloud

Created for a follow up email regarding looking good in a sailor outfit.

Self Portrait Series - Danny Noonan

Created for an email responding to a found receipt to a high end Men's tie store.  You can't go wrong with a Caddyshack reference

Self Portrait Series - Mr Rogers

Created for a training video on adding public contacts to your address book

Self Portrait Series - Entourage

Created for an invitation to a training series using MS Entourage.

Self Portrait Series - The Cheesiest

Created for an email to get people to donate to the Emergency Food Shelf.